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A Commitment to Equity


Wildflower schools exist within the context of the segregation and inequity of our communities and society, and where there is no justice, there can be no lasting peace. As Montessorians, we believe children’s unique capacity to adapt to their environment makes childhood the key to the long-term improvement of society and our greatest hope for a more peaceful world. We cultivate that capacity in schools that include people of different racial, ethnic and economic backgrounds and seek out ways to make our schools more accessible to all families; we celebrate diversity and foster inclusivity; and, we consider the unique opportunities and challenges facing every child and commit to giving each student what they need to find their purpose and fulfill their potential. We recognize the significance of this undertaking, and we work to transform ourselves, our school communities and our broader society to bring about our vision for justice and peace.

Azalea Montessori School

1759 Mills Avenue

Norwood , Ohio 45212

<<SCHOOL NAME>> est une organisation à but non lucratif et ne fait aucune discrimination fondée sur la race, la couleur, l'origine nationale ou ethnique, la croyance, la religion, le sexe, le handicap, l'âge, l'état matrimonial, l'orientation sexuelle ou le statut en matière d'assistance publique. De plus, <<NOM DE L'ÉCOLE>> admet les élèves de toute race, couleur, origine nationale et ethnique à tous les droits, privilèges, programmes et activités généralement accordés ou mis à la disposition des élèves de l'école. Il ne fait aucune discrimination sur la base de la race, de la couleur, de l'origine nationale et ethnique dans l'administration de ses politiques éducatives, politiques d'admission, programmes de bourses et de prêts, et programmes d'athlétisme et autres programmes administrés par l'école.

<<SCHOOL>> est une organisation à but non lucratif 501(c)(3)

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